Do You Feel Overwhelmed?

Do You Feel Overwhelmed?

July 10, 20242 min read

Do you feel overwhelmed

Since I learned about the Grief Recovery Method,  I’ve found myself looking up more words in the dictionary to see what they really mean.  I’ve found that many times, they don’t mean what I thought they did,  and,  in fact,  they make more sense when I understand them better.  

I recently looked up the word overwhelmed because I hear a lot of people saying they feel overwhelmed in 2020 and I do too.

The first definition of overwhelmed I found was this – 

“Very great in number, effect, or force.  Used to describe something that is so confusing, difficult, etc., that you feel unable to do it.”  

BINGO!  That’s exactly it. 

So many things currently burden our hearts: 

  • a worldwide pandemic

  • various requirements for “social distancing”  

  • virtual school and meetings

  • businesses closing or struggling

  • natural disaster

  • the very real possibility of not being able to gather for the fall and winter holidays

  • elderly parents sequestered in their living facilities 

Anyone of them alone would cause us grief – which is the normal and natural response to change or loss of any kind.  

Having a great effect or force – that’s true too, isn’t it?  All of our current issues are also confusing and difficult.   The cumulative effects on each of us certainly have the ability to weigh us down.  If you’re familiar with the “backpack” analogy we use in our Grief Recovery Method classes – that we carry our losses around in our backpacks like stones, a rock, or sometimes a boulder.  Eventually, the straps on the backpack seem to break under the weight.  In many of these circumstances,  we may feel like we’re forced to carry these rocks in our backpacks.  What’s worse is that everyone we know has their own weighty backpack too. 

If you’re feeling overwhelmed, I encourage you to use the Grief Recovery Method.  The Grief Recovery Method is an evidence-based, action-oriented, time-proven approach to identify and get complete with the feelings that keep you stuck.  Sometimes, just naming and talking about your feelings can relieve some of the weight in your backpack.  It can help you to identify and deliver important emotional communications in an honest and safe way, which ultimately unloads some of what overwhelms us.

To find a trained Grief Recovery Method Specialist in your area or connect with one of our Advanced  Specialists to work with you in a live, online format, visit our website at  If you’d like to have a part in lifting the overwhelming weight from others in your community, visit that same website to learn how you can train to be one of our Grief Recovery Method Specialists soon! 

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Amanda Lambros

Amanda is the Executive Director of the Grief Recovery Institute of Australasia …but how she managed to get here is no less than pure passion, purpose and serendipity.

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