What People Have to Say About Grief Recovery Method Certification Program

July 10, 20243 min read

What People Have to Say About Grief Recovery Method Certification Program

Are you trying to decide if the Grief Recovery Method Certification Training is for you?

Here’s what some Certified Grief Recovery Specialists have said about their experience with the program.

“I wish I had known about the GRM long before I discovered it! Thank you for preparing me to work full time with those who are grieving. I’m confident in the skills I learned and am excited to move forward. It’s my opinion that EVERYONE would benefit from learning the GRM. Anyone who wants to add this certification training to their current skill set, or who wants to do this full time, will be thrilled to go through the process.”

“Before attending the training I had participated in a Grief Recovery Support Group. I have counselled in a church setting and worked in a mental health setting for fifteen years. I additionally have thirty hours of graduate studies in counseling. This approach is practical and designed to achieve maximum impact in a setting which is user friendly and absolutely not intimidating. As for the training for certification I can only speak to the training I received under Stephen Moeller. He presented the material in a clear, concise manner. He made it interesting, even enjoyable. At the end of the seminar I felt quite sure that I could readily apply the process successfully. I would encourage anyone who has a heart to help hurting people. This works and you don’t have to go through elongated schooling to do this. Talk to someone at the Grief Recovery Institute. You’ll be glad you did. This works.”

“My experience at the training was overwhelmingly positive. The trainer’s patience, compassion, and empathy with us, individually and as a unit, was in evidence all throughout the training. The emotional honesty each person shared turned 14 strangers into a family – I have never experienced this type of transformation so totally so quickly.”

“I have been a nurse for the past 38 years. I wish I had known about the grief recovery method years ago. I think of all the patients and families I could have helped, as well as the earlier intervention for myself. I am very grateful that I now know about it, and for the help it gave me. I am now certified and have the tools so I can help others. This is a program that works!”

“I came into this training a bit skeptical, but I promised myself that I would keep an open mind. This training exceeded my expectations! The emphasis on the relational and emotional aspect of grief recovery makes The Grief Recovery method powerful and effective in supporting individual’s in healing and recovering from loss. I will most definitely be taking this work out into the world, it is so needed. The facilitators, Jocelyn and Ed, were top-notch and I can’t speak highly enough of this program and my experience in the training. THANK YOU for such an incredible experience!”

Certified Grief Recovery Specialists help grievers move beyond death, divorce and other losses using the Grief Recovery Method. Specialists come from all walks of life and professional backgrounds, but have one thing in common: a desire to help people.

If helping people with broken hearts sounds like something you’d like to know more about, then learn more about becoming a Certified Grief Recovery Specialist here: https://www.griefrecoverymethod.com.au/become-a-specialist/

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Amanda Lambros

Amanda is the Executive Director of the Grief Recovery Institute of Australasia …but how she managed to get here is no less than pure passion, purpose and serendipity.

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